29 May Radon Dangers and Mitigation
Radon Dangers and Mitigation; What You Need to Know!
Learn about Radon Dangers and Mitigation. It is easy to sit by idly and not worry about something when you can’t see, hear, taste, touch or smell it. However, more and more experts are warning of Radon Dangers in our Homes.
There have been recent changes to Minnesota Radon Disclosure Requirements (you can read my blog post on the details here!). You may be wondering “How does one mitigate a radon issue?”. Well, friend, you’ve come to the right place. In this post I’m going to sum up everything a future home seller and buyer should be aware of when it comes to the odorless, tasteless gas known as Radon.
First, a few of the basics:
1. “What is Radon and where does it come from?”
Radon gas is the by-product of decaying uranium and radium commonly found in all Minnesota soils (because though we are geographically safe from tsunamis, massive earthquakes or volcanoes, we aren’t as lucky when it comes to noxious fumes emanating from the ground). And consequently, research indicates that the gas given off by the decaying elements is as carcinogenic and detrimental to your health as smoking. Studies show that Radon poisoning is the number one cause of lung cancer in non-smokers and the second leading cause of lung cancer next to tobacco. (Some exposure risk tables can be found here)
2. “So Radon presence sounds pretty serious, how is it detected and removed?”
Thankfully, detection and mitigation are relatively simple! One option is to go to your local hardware store, pick up a Radon Test Kit, and attempt to measure the levels on your own. So long as you are below the 4.0 pCi/L threshold, the home is considered safe. If you’re feeling uncomfortable with channeling your inner Marie Curie and conducting a radioactive test, there are options for you. You can contact one of the many nationally certified Radon mitigation professionals neatly listed here on the Minnesota Department of Health website.
3. “There are professionals who deal with this stuff? How do they do it?”
Veeery, veery carefully. Just kidding. It’s a pretty straightforward procedure. Known as “Sub-Slab Depressurization”, this fancy combination of words means they take Radon filled air from beneath the home and coax it through a PVC pipe with a fan where it is harmlessly expelled through the roof. Though the concept is easy to understand, the process requires the all cracks in the basement to be sealed up tight in order for it to work effectively.
The link to the Minnesota Department of Health website above lists numerous licensed Radon removal professionals, but one I have personal experience with is Rick from Radon Defense Systems LLC . They are a local company that perform radon measurement services and installation of Radon mitigation systems in residential applications. The owner has over 17 years experience in the residential construction industry and is committed to reducing Radon levels in the interest of public safety. I’d highly recommend them.
To have any questions answered, simply call me at 612-889-6496 or send an email to [email protected]. I’ll be happy to chat with you about the new rules and regulations.