11 Jun RE/MAX Results Takes on Valley Fair
This Sunday RE/MAX Results Agents and their families were treated to an Appreciation Event by Marshall Saunders and John Collopy at Valley Fair Amusement Park in Shakopee, Minnesota.
RE/MAX Results and Mother nature treated us to a nearly perfect day of weather with a warm 73 degree temperature. The slight cloud coverage gave a bit of reprieve from the sun as well, making for a very comfortable day to be outside.
One thing you could hear in abundance while walking around the park was the delighted sounds of excited children. Most everyone you saw had a big smile on their face, save the few still reeling from the tilt-a-whirl or the whiplashed Steel Venom Riders.
Those suffering from allergies will hear me on this one: the cottonwood seeds were out in full force (giving the illusion of snow in June on Sunday). I ate, drank and breathed in more than my fair share of the little puff balls throughout the day.
Thankfully, one thing you didn’t run into: lines. Though we nearly filled up the parking lot the lines remained nonexistent throughout the entire day. (Allowing for me to ride the Ultimate Swing about 8 times in a row :D)
We want to offer a big THANK YOU to Marshall and John along with the entire RE/MAX Results crew that made the day at Valley Fair possible. We look forward to more fun in the future!