04 Mar City of Apple Valley Tree and Shrub Sale
City of Apple Valley Tree and Shrub Sale: Orders begin March 14, 2011, Sale will be April 30,2011. They are also offering two new tree species this year – Honey Locust and Hackberry.
Take advantage of this fantastic Apple Valley program, it’s a chance to purchase trees and shrubs at wonderfully discounted prices. It’s a great way to welcome Spring and add some Fresh Landscaping to your property.
How much value does new or improved landscaping add to your Home’s Value?
There are many things a homeowner can do to improve their home, some improvements produce a higher percentage of return in value than others. Check out this Awesome Spreadsheet of Home Repairs and Returns published by Remodeling Cost vs. Value for 2010-2011.
Improvements on the list do not bring a return of 100%, meaning they were not directly financially profitable for the homeowners. However, home improvements produce good indirect rates of return by giving the home a higher ‘sellability factor’. Buyers certainly appreciate fresh landscaping, new carpeting, updated appliances and kitchen countertops, new roofs and more. Buyers show their approval of your updated Apple Valley home in their offers.
Update homes attract buyers faster than average homes. The sooner your home sells, the better percentage of Sale Price to the List Price. This is how your Home Improvements bring in substantial indirect profits. For more information on home improvements and the rates of return, check out this Cost vs. Value Report from Realtor Magazine.