19 Oct Teachers at AVHS surprise students with a Flash Mob….

Crest of the Apple Valley High School Eagles
Salute to all the fantastic teachers and staff at Apple Valley High School, check out their dance performance! Looks like they really surprised the students at the Pep Rally last week. It’s fun to watch this video, reminds me why Teachers are such special people, and very brave too.
Apple Valley High School is a Nationally Recognized Blue Ribbon School of Excellence and was listed in Newsweek’s top 5% of High Schools in America. AVHS is one of 4 High Schools in Independent School District #196. The city of Apple Valley has two High Schools, AVHS and Eastview High School, the other two ISD # 196 schools are Eagan High School and Rosemount High School.
You can find more information about South of the River Schools on this website! See a map of all schools and ratings by Great Schools.org.
The dance is well choreographed, everyone knows the moves. I hope the Teachers and Staff had as much fun practicing and preparing for this Flash Mob as the students had watching it.